Fabulous GRADE 3


10% of what we READ

20% of what we HEAR

30% of what we SEE

70% of what is DISCUSSED with others

80% of what we EXPERIENCE personally

90% of what we TEACH

Health Habits

Web Track

Keep track of fact finding websites at: kidswebtrack.html

Net Check

Net Check supports the development of safe online research and critical thinkings skills at: net check

The Four Zones: Our Feelings & States Determine Our Zone

The Four Zones:  Our Feelings & States Determine Our Zone The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions.  A person may be elated or experiencing anger, rage, explosive behavior, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone. The...

How to increase your concentration

These activities can be completed as a transition between activities, as a muscle warm-up for pencil and paper activities, or when one is feeling restless.     Pancake Pushes Place the palm of hands together and push hard to squash a pretend pancake.   Spider Push-Ups Place the palms...